Friday, March 20, 2009


Got back from Nationals last weekend. All in all, it was a fun weekend.
The Wednesday night the week before Nationals I got Bronchitis and a Sinus infection. I was sick through the weekend, and was beginning to recover by the Monday before. I had a wicked cough that didnt go away for a while.
By race time on Friday, I felt decent, but my endurance that I have worked so hard for was completely gone. 1000 meter was on Friday, I made it to the Semi Finals where I was booted.
Saturday was the 777 and then the 500 heat and semi. I was more recovered from my cold then the day before, so my endurance was slightly higher. I could almost hold up for the entire 7 laps before I blew up, but not quite. I made it to the Semis in those as well. In the 500 heat (which I figured would have to be my race for the weekend) I fell. It was an awesome crash, I went almost head first into the boards, and bounced way out into the track and almost took out another skater.
With one day and one distance left, I prepared for the 1500. I was feeling really good by Sunday, and my endurance was even better. Normally, a 1500 is my best distance. We had heats, semis, and finals for the 1500. I made it through them all! In the final, we had 8 skaters on the line. I fell right of the gun, and they didnt call it back. I had to hussel for the rest of the race to catch up, and when I finally did, my energy reserves were depleted. I finished 5th out of 8. Not bad for no endurance.
Techniqually, I think Nationals were the best I have ever skated. I am leaning into the turn well now, and I just felt comfortable. With the short bursts of energy that I had, I felt quite explosive, I just couldnt hold onto it. It was fun.
I am looking foward to hard summer of training. I know that if I train hard this summer, than I will have an awesome season next year.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Empire States

Had a pretty good weekend in Lake Placid. I finished 4th in the 777, 2nd in the 500, and 1st in the 1000. New PB's: 46.46 500. 1:35.7 1000. Ice wasnt too bad. Good racing. Lots of fun.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

NA went ok. Nothing special. Ice was slow. No PBs.
Lately, I have been skating better than I ever have. I am feeling really comfortable on my skates and am finally starting to get the hang of leaning into the turn. My speed feels like its increasing. Did a few 10.2's and 10.3 very comfortably with my arms on my back, last practice.
Been visualizing quite a bit, which is partly why I am understanding how to lean better.
Really happy with my skating now. Nothing big til' Nationals, which I am building into.
Cant wait!